The List is this piece of paper that I've been keeping at work and use to jot down everything that's been coming to mind that I'll need to do/take care of before I move. Unfortunately, the list keeps growing and not shrinking thanks to the likes of things like this:Rent Condo (done. whew. Thanks, Jorge!)
Sell Car (not done. but, I've done research to know I'll be selling it to the dealer)
Cancel Gym Membership and Parking
Cancel car insurance (see above: sell car...)
Find Storage (I've thought about it a lot. does that count?!?...)
Go to Dr for full physical exam (let's face it: the UK isn't exactly known for their stellar health care)
And a host of about a dozen or so other items. These are the big ticket items, mind you. I haven't quite worked up the courage to start worrying about the small things like changing my mailing addres on the 16,000 things that I'll have to do that for, or even thinking in great detail about what I *really* want to bring with me to London versus leave in the condo versus put in storage.
I don't have a permanent place yet to live in London. Corp housing for up to 60 days, yes. But nothing beyond that. And it strikes me as really bass-ackwards that I have to already plan on packing up and moving my life to London without knowing one iota about what I'll actually need: will my flat be furnished or not, if it's furnished, will it have *everything*?, if it's not furnished, would my couch even fit?...things like that. No small stuff, if you ask me. And I absolutely hate the thought of deciding to leave my kitchen utensils behind in the US, only to discover that I need them in London-and will now have to go buy new.
It just makes no sense to me. gr.