Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm A 'Non-European/Other'

I had my first PT appointment today to get my hip sorted out, and the NHS, in their never-ending attempt to ethnically categorize every patient they come in contact with made me fill out a brief form.

There were no slots for 'American' and, let's face it, as we're mostly mutts in the USA; the closest categorization we'd have in the US would be based on race-not 'ethnic background.'

The next-best category I could find?....Apparently, I'm a 'Non-European/Other'


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Winter Blizard 2009

Or, as the Brits would call it: A lot of snow. :)
It basically paralyzed the city on Monday-no tube (mostly...), no bus, no train. I worked from home-Simon took the day off to begin with as it was his birthday, and we were supposed to spend the afternoon flat searching. But, with 6 plus inches of snow...plans changed.
We saw two flats, went for a stroll thru Hyde Park (truly stunning. hope you like the photos...), and then after lunch, Simon decided to head home, as one of the two lines actually running on the tube was the one he needed, and there was no guarantee he'd make it home.
Oh well. At least the snow was beautiful while it lasted!