Monday, June 4, 2012

Life As We Know It

This is it.  The last week of life as we know it.  The movers come on Thursday to begin packing up, and will remove everything on Friday.  At that point, the flat will be barely a quarter full-compared to now.  That will be weird.
We head out Friday for our last long-weekend in Barcelona-well, at least 'last' for a good while.  We get back to London on Monday super late, and have our final leaving-do the following Saturday, June 16.
Tuesday, June 19, we 'check out' of our flat-and check in to a Travelodge in Covent Garden until July 2.

From there, we fly the friendly skies to the US-and by our estimation, will spend about 58 days on the road.  .

By my count, after Wednesday nite, it will be almost 100 days before we sleep in our bed again.  Excited-and not looking forward to bad beds all at the same time. :)


  1. Good luck! This was a rollercoaster of emotions time for us, wanting to leave London and then actually doing it, I think I cried on the plane for the first hour, even though it was my idea to go :) Safe travels!

    1. I have a feeling Andrea, that's exactly what I'll be doing as well! Funny, that.

  2. Good luck on your travels and with your move! x

    1. Thank you, Gemma-I think we're going to need all the luck we can muster! :)

  3. So sorry to read about your father in law. My condolences.
    Good luck on your return, and do assure me that you will write on reverse culture shock. It is almost as much "fun" as the straight culture shock.

    1. Thanks, AHLondon. I was just talking to my husband this weekend about keeping the blog up for a good while after we return-for the very reason you mention.
      I'm not sure whether to be excited or filled with trepidation at thought of returning 'home,' but there will probably be more than a few opportunities to observe. :)
